Thursday, April 28, 2011

Speaking For the King

Did you realize that God intended for you to
communicate His love, truth and purposes?


Why do I struggle so much?
 Everyday I want to speak uplifting, encouraging words.
You wouldn't think it would be that difficult.

But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.
James 3:8

Sometimes I feel that I cannot be changed. But this is not true.
There is always hope in the Lord.
I continue to look to Him who gave me new life.
As I humble myself and submit myself to Him, and meditate on His Word,
my mind will be renewed.
As I pray, and lay down my will, He will
bring wisdom and direction. He answers our cries for help.
He will help me change my course.

I cannot be discouraged. I choose to believe His Word as truth and
not look at my circumstances.
I will walk by faith and not by sight.


Beneath this stone,

a lump of clay,

Lies Arabella Young,

Who, on the twenty-fourth of May,

Began to hold her tongue

{I do NOT want this to be me!}


The alphabet; With theses 26 little letters, words are built.

Words that cut deeply and scar.  Words that bring a heart low,
tear down dreams, or bring discouragement.
Words that stir up clouds of darkness and death in the heart.

What do darkness and death look like?


When the cup of darkness can hold no more, in all it's fullness,
it begins to overflow. And so begins the cycle.
 When words void of life are spoken,
there is a battle that takes place between our flesh and our spirit.
Our spirit wants to respond according to God's Word, but our flesh fights back and seeks
to protect our heart.
The battle.

When God said. "Let there be light."
There was light. These were words of life.
And then there are words that flow with grace...
Life springs forth. Those who hear are filled with hope.
Inspiration is born. Healing takes place.
People are affirmed and built-up.
Encouragement takes root and people aspire
to be overcomers.

Our words are to be seasoned with salt and grace.
(Colossions 4:6)

Being aware of our shortcomings is the first step to overcoming them.

Knowing how to speak to others using affirming words
may not come naturally to us, but we can learn.

We can learn by listening to others.
This may sound strange, but I have heard conversations
 from our read aloud books and have
 thought, "I would love to speak with such graciousness."
I need to remember that!

Being sensitive to the feelings of others and making an effort to speak
the truth in love can be accomplished through effort and prayer.

Have you ever heard anyone say,"That's just the way I am ?"
God will not excuse our excuses!

THINKING carefully before we speak will
allow us time to consider what we are saying.
How many times have we said something out of
an emotional reaction?
Self-centered venting in anger will bring destruction
 to our relationships. Careless words can cause hurt feelings
as well as break down trust.

If (when) we fall, the only way to truly bring restoration is
through asking forgivenes.
Humilty goes a long way in healing of relationships.
I have had to apologize so many times.

My dearly loved brothers, understand this:
everyone must be quick to hear,
slow to speak,
 and slow to anger.
James 1:19

God's Word does not tell us exactly what to say or what not to say.
It does, however, give us very specific guidelines in how we
are treat one another.
And the Holy Spirit will teach us and through God's grace
 we can grow in self-control.
As we read His Word, it will bring correction if it's needed.

If we our heart's motivation is to speak out of love,
we will desire to speak words OF love.

Ask your family to  help you. Being accountable to someone is very helpful.
There are times when we may say something
that is hurtful and we aren't aware of it.

When we pray, God hears and answers. As we repent
 and humbly ask God for His help,
He is so willing to give it; He is just waiting for us.

He has made provision for ALL that we have need of.
That includes speech that builds others up.
If it is a command in His Word, then He has made a way
to help us get there!

 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful
for building others up according to their needs, that it may
 benefit those who listen.
Ephesians 4:29

There is an excellent book that I have read and it
addresses all these issues and
so much more. I highly recommend it
if you desire to grow in the area of communication.
The book teaches how we are communicating for the King and
HOW to make some practical applications.

I believe this will forever change the way you look at
and approach the way you speak.

It is called:

War of Words

written by Paul David Tripp

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